Friday, October 21, 2011

New Blog Format beginning with films released after 12/31/2011

After much thought, I have decided to turn this Film REVIEW blog into a film RATING blog. What this means- instead of reviewing the films I see, i will simply give it a rating out of four stars with no review. Part of the reason for me doing this is because I have not seen many movies lately and when I do see them, I do not post as much on the film as I used to. Why beginning on films released in 2012? I want to finish the year with film reviews just to be able to give my input on Oscar nominated films. Films that are eligable for 2012 nomination must be released by 12/31/2011. So, I will finish out the year with reviews and will begin the new year with just ratings.

Thanks to those who read my reviews for the past 3 years. I hope you will stick around to see the ratings that I give films.

I will also begin to think about making a possible Yankees Fan blog. I have never pointed out on here that I love baseball and the Yankees. I want to convert that passion into writing and soon.
