I would like to apologize to any readers that I have left out there, as if there were many to begin with. I have not seen any new films in two months for two reasons. The first being that I don't have any time. The second, because there aren't any new films that have stood out and that I would liked to have seen. Now, on to the review!
The third installment of what is now a "trilogy" was mediocre at best. I came in expecting funny one-liners and awkwardly hilarious entanglements for Stiller's character. One would think that after waiting six (6!) years, they would have come up with something better. There were not many one-liners that made me laugh and the situations that arose between Stiller and DeNiro were awkward but not hilarious. The best word to describe those situations would be "annoying"; in fact, the whole film was annoying. To make matters worse, they stick Jessica Alba in it to make it ten times MORE annoying. They didn't need much help from her though. Adding Alba to what was an already great cast was just overkill. They make her out to be some stupid bimbo and it doesn't fit where the character's lives are. I am overly disappointed with the film. The only positive thing I brought out of it was getting to see Streisand and Hoffman together. They make for a great comedy. 1 and a half out of 4 stars.
This movie blog reflects my taste in movies. I try to keep my posts as concise and informative as possible. Older reviews can be viewed by clicking "Older Posts" link on the bottom right corner of the page. Comments are encouraged!
Friday, December 24, 2010
Sunday, October 10, 2010
You Will Meet a Tall Dark Stranger
In Woody Allen's latest film, the cast struggles with situations that life brings to them. You may be thinking, "Doesn't every film have a conflict?" The answer is yes, but in this film the struggles and conflicts of the characters delve into a much deeper hole than one is accustomed to. Even though the story is written with wit and cynicism, two things that I would usually give up my arms and legs to see, "Stranger" takes that and lowers it to a point to where it's depressing to watch. I am a fan of Allen's work and thoroughly enjoyed "Whatever Works" even though some panned it, but "Tall Dark Stranger" is very black and morbid. Yes, there are funny one-liners that remind you that it's a Woody Allen film, but something didn't seem to be there. That charm and dry humor that I'm used to was not included in this piece of work. So this leads me to think, was it actually as bad as I originally perceived it to be? No, because the writing still enticed me. BUT, don't get me wrong, it was not his best. 2 and a half out of 4 stars.
Monday, October 4, 2010
The Social Network
The drama involves the creator of Facebook getting into all sorts of trouble because he supposedly stole the idea from elite classmates at Harvard. The story evolves to be intrigiuing and interesting. The acting is great and the when the plot thickens things become even more interesting. It reaches deepep into the actual background surrounding Facebook and the laxidazical creator. Great quality film that deserves any award recognition it recieves. 3 and a half out of 4 stars.
Sunday, September 12, 2010
This is my 100th post. It's hard to believe that I've seen so many movies on the big screen in under two years. I thank the readers for the continued support and I hope to make changes to my blog format and the way I review films in the near future.
Flipped was a feel-good film about preteens and first loves. The story of the film stood out in that it wasn't a cliche film about a girl who loves a boy and goes gaga over him throughout the movie. Instead, the movie was more complicated. The relationships were revolved around conflict and reality. The story told in the movie is something that can really happen in a teen's life. The child actors were surprisingly good. They were very witty and had a way of talking that made you smile. It's rare that I come across a movie that is set in the 1960's that doesn't impress me, but this is more than that, it was a feel good coming-of-age story about twelve year olds that grow upbefore your eyes in under two hours. 3 and a half out of 4 stars.
Flipped was a feel-good film about preteens and first loves. The story of the film stood out in that it wasn't a cliche film about a girl who loves a boy and goes gaga over him throughout the movie. Instead, the movie was more complicated. The relationships were revolved around conflict and reality. The story told in the movie is something that can really happen in a teen's life. The child actors were surprisingly good. They were very witty and had a way of talking that made you smile. It's rare that I come across a movie that is set in the 1960's that doesn't impress me, but this is more than that, it was a feel good coming-of-age story about twelve year olds that grow upbefore your eyes in under two hours. 3 and a half out of 4 stars.
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Going the Distance
Drew Barrymore was as likable as she has been in her career. She plas vintage Drew, a girl who charms her way through the film and regardless of the movie, you still like her. The movie was great with an evolving story and even though the ending was a bit cliche, it was still enjoyable. Justin Long was witty and is a great second half to a sparkling Drew Barrymore. Not much to say about this film other than it was funny, charming, and fast paced. 3 out of 4 stars.
Sunday, August 22, 2010
The Expendables
"The Expendables" was a great action film. There was no real significant story, no amazing writing, but there were hilarious one-liners. The acting of Stallone and others was nothing short of fantastic, as usual. There isn't much that I can write about this movie. The explosions were amazing and the scenery was great. It was a great tough guy film that would be entertaining to even people that don't usually enjoy these types of movies. 2 and a half out of 4 stars.
Monday, August 2, 2010
The Kids Are All Right
Lesbian couple Jules (Julianne Moore) and Nic (Annette Bening) have been together for almost 20 years and have two teenage kids named Joni and Laser, who were conceived via artificial insemination. Without telling their moms, Joni and Laser seek out their biological father, Paul (Mark Ruffalo). Complications arise when the teens bond with Paul and invite him into their lives.
My Review: This film was better than alright. It was one of the most touching and decently written comedy-dramas I have seen in some time. It was certainly different than watching the same rom-com garbage that comes out in theaters every week. It was a breath of fresh air, if you will. The acting was phenominal and the story was realistic and can be relatable to every family. It portrays the lives and love among family members and what happens when that pattern is interrupted. Just a quality film that is appealing to even the most conservative people who don't typically approve of the lifestyles that some live. It is more so a film about relationships in general and less about the "gay" relationship. I wouldn't have minded seeing more because the story captured my attention. 3 and a half out of 4 stars.
My Review: This film was better than alright. It was one of the most touching and decently written comedy-dramas I have seen in some time. It was certainly different than watching the same rom-com garbage that comes out in theaters every week. It was a breath of fresh air, if you will. The acting was phenominal and the story was realistic and can be relatable to every family. It portrays the lives and love among family members and what happens when that pattern is interrupted. Just a quality film that is appealing to even the most conservative people who don't typically approve of the lifestyles that some live. It is more so a film about relationships in general and less about the "gay" relationship. I wouldn't have minded seeing more because the story captured my attention. 3 and a half out of 4 stars.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Despicable Me
Despicable Me is one of those movies that leave you satisfied. The story was original and the humor was for children and adults alike. I usually hate Steve Carrell in anything he does but he made a wise choice in picking this role because I didn't have to see him. It was a cute story. I have nothing much to say about the film except that it was pleasing and didn't leave me feeling awkward. The minions were very funny and contributed a lot of humor in the film. 3 out of 4 stars.
Saturday, July 17, 2010
The film was one of a kind and will probably never be matched again. Christopher Nolan created a gem by making a movie so unpredictable. Also, the acting of all the stars and especislly DiCaprio anhd Cotillard made it seem authentic even though in reality the story is the farthest thing from that. I enjoyed the special effects and the attention paid to every minute detail. Inception is one of the greatest and most original films I have ever seen. I have not one single critique of the film. The ending will invalidate any ideas you may have about the reality aspect. Easily the best film of the summer. 4 out of 4 stars.
Monday, June 28, 2010
Grown Ups
The death of their childhood basketball coach leads to a reunion for old friends (Adam Sandler, Kevin James, Chris Rock, etc.), who gather at the site of a championship celebration from years ago. Picking up right where they left off, with their wives and children present, the buddies discover why age does not necessarily equal maturity.
My Review: The film was hilarious. It was great to see Adam Sandler, one of my favorite actors making pure comedy. After watching the "Funny People" mess, I was looking for something worth while. There isn't a single piece of Happy Madison film that I did not enjoy watching, aside from "Funny People", of course. "Grown Ups" included many long time friends of Sandler's and the chemistry between the guys was magical. It made for a comedy that in my eyes will never get old. The jokes were fresh, the on-screen chemistry of all of the actors was authentic and there were some major surprises that had me rolling. They couldn't have more diverse people in the film that knew how to have fun. Adam Sandler has done it again! 3 out of 4 stars.
My Review: The film was hilarious. It was great to see Adam Sandler, one of my favorite actors making pure comedy. After watching the "Funny People" mess, I was looking for something worth while. There isn't a single piece of Happy Madison film that I did not enjoy watching, aside from "Funny People", of course. "Grown Ups" included many long time friends of Sandler's and the chemistry between the guys was magical. It made for a comedy that in my eyes will never get old. The jokes were fresh, the on-screen chemistry of all of the actors was authentic and there were some major surprises that had me rolling. They couldn't have more diverse people in the film that knew how to have fun. Adam Sandler has done it again! 3 out of 4 stars.
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Sex and the City 2
The continuing story of Carrie, Charlotte, Miranda and Samantha as they struggle to manage their love lives, friendships and careers in New York City.
My Review: The story has been sucked dry out of the franchise. The story wasn't there at all and the one-liners were not funny for the most part. The first film is a lot better because there was substance and humor. Even though the sequel is about ten minutes shorter than the original, it felt a half-hour longer. The part of the film that took place in the middle east was boring and drawn out. It is called "Sex and the City" because the story takes place in the city. All in all, do not go in expecting a great sequel because it was not. However, it still did not fail to get the theater full of fans laughing and feeling satisfied that their favorite girls were back. 1 and a half out of 4 stars.
My Review: The story has been sucked dry out of the franchise. The story wasn't there at all and the one-liners were not funny for the most part. The first film is a lot better because there was substance and humor. Even though the sequel is about ten minutes shorter than the original, it felt a half-hour longer. The part of the film that took place in the middle east was boring and drawn out. It is called "Sex and the City" because the story takes place in the city. All in all, do not go in expecting a great sequel because it was not. However, it still did not fail to get the theater full of fans laughing and feeling satisfied that their favorite girls were back. 1 and a half out of 4 stars.
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Letters to Juliet
When a young American (Amanda Seyfried) travels to the city of Verona, she joins a group of volunteers who respond to letters to Juliet seeking advice about love. After answering one letter from 1957, she inspires the woman who wrote the letter (Vanessa Redgrave) to travel to Italy in search of her long-lost love.
My Review: "Letters to Juliet" is a typical romantic comedy that caters to the female population looking to watch something fluffy. The film had no real substance and an unrealistic story but once again, it is almost required to get large female audiences because of the fairy tale story. If stories like this existed in real life, my review blog would have been published a year and a half ago. That would be a fairy tale for me. Amanda Seyfried is a decent actress that is typecast into playing the cute and innocent twenty-something girl that has it all. The silky blonde hair blowing through the wind can only satisfy us for a short time until people realize that the "Mamma Mia" star stars in films with no substance. She has the chops but has not been able to show them. I predict that at some point she will become the next Anne Hathaway who also started as a Disney actress and eventually got her career going with "Rachel Getting Married". 1 and a half out of 4 stars.
My Review: "Letters to Juliet" is a typical romantic comedy that caters to the female population looking to watch something fluffy. The film had no real substance and an unrealistic story but once again, it is almost required to get large female audiences because of the fairy tale story. If stories like this existed in real life, my review blog would have been published a year and a half ago. That would be a fairy tale for me. Amanda Seyfried is a decent actress that is typecast into playing the cute and innocent twenty-something girl that has it all. The silky blonde hair blowing through the wind can only satisfy us for a short time until people realize that the "Mamma Mia" star stars in films with no substance. She has the chops but has not been able to show them. I predict that at some point she will become the next Anne Hathaway who also started as a Disney actress and eventually got her career going with "Rachel Getting Married". 1 and a half out of 4 stars.
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Iron Man 2

The world is aware that billionaire inventor Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr.) is the super hero Iron Man. Under pressure from the government, the press and the public to share his technology with the military, Tony is unwilling to divulge the secrets behind the Iron Man armor because he fears the information will slip into the wrong hands. With Pepper Potts (Gwyneth Paltrow), and James Rhodes (Don Cheadle), Tony forms new alliances and confronts powerful new forces.
My Review: "Iron Man 2" was without a doubt of the most astonishing superhero action films that I have seen in my life and it was arguably better than the 2008 Iron Man. What made it better was the action and new alliances that Stark forms to take on Whiplash (Mickey Rourke). The humor in the sequel was funnier and the story was more together. Also, it lets us in on something that Marvel is doing with all of its superhero films. They are making it look like their movies take place at the same times but in different parts of the country. Now, I am no Marvel or DC nerd, but this piece of film was intriguing enough to keep my attention for two hours. Moving forward, the acting of everyone in the film was superb and made the story and vigilantes seem no less than authentic. 3 and a half out of 4 stars.
Saturday, April 3, 2010
The Last Song
Estranged father (Greg Kinnear) gets a chance to spend the summer with his reluctant and rebellious teenaged daughter (Miley Cyrus), who’d rather be home in New York. He tries to reconnect with her through music.
My Review: The Last Song had as many flaws as is did successes. Nicholas Sparks' films always include a fair share of tears. The sad aspect of the film is as predictable as Cyrus' attempt to be an emo teenager. Kinnear plays the most touching role in the Sparks tearjerker which once more solidifies his range of acting chops given the circumstances. Miley Cyrus has a ways to go before she sets her place as a big-time actress, but this film is a start for her as she quite convincingly (later in the film) goes through the various emotions that makes her performance more believable. Except for the beginning, the movie is not a bad piece of work but it is immature. 2 and a half out of 4 stars.
My Review: The Last Song had as many flaws as is did successes. Nicholas Sparks' films always include a fair share of tears. The sad aspect of the film is as predictable as Cyrus' attempt to be an emo teenager. Kinnear plays the most touching role in the Sparks tearjerker which once more solidifies his range of acting chops given the circumstances. Miley Cyrus has a ways to go before she sets her place as a big-time actress, but this film is a start for her as she quite convincingly (later in the film) goes through the various emotions that makes her performance more believable. Except for the beginning, the movie is not a bad piece of work but it is immature. 2 and a half out of 4 stars.
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Diary of A Wimpy Kid
The family flick follows the travails of wise-cracking middle school student Greg Heffley over the course of an academic year.
My Review: "Wimpy Kid" is one of those movies that I originally have no intention of seeing but ends up being charming and fun. The characters made the film enjoyable and the acting of the child stars makes the film charming. The wit that some of the children are able to display makes me think twice about today's young actors turning into wash-ups by 20 years old. Cute story accompanied by convincing acting by all. 3 out of 4 stars.
My Review: "Wimpy Kid" is one of those movies that I originally have no intention of seeing but ends up being charming and fun. The characters made the film enjoyable and the acting of the child stars makes the film charming. The wit that some of the children are able to display makes me think twice about today's young actors turning into wash-ups by 20 years old. Cute story accompanied by convincing acting by all. 3 out of 4 stars.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Lack of Updates
I apologize for not updating in some time. March and April are generally months that I don't watch many new films in simply because they are usually not worth watching. Also, with mountains of school work I don't get a lot of time to see the films that look bad but I still want to see. I will be preoccupied with work and school-work until late April at which point, I will begin to watch movies again. Thank you to those of you who read my reviews. Bear with me as a focus my time on important assignments for school and such. I am looking forward to reviving this blog in May for all the highly anticipated films of the summer!!
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Alice in Wonderland in Disney Digital 3D
19-year-old Alice returns to the magical world from her childhood adventure, where she reunites with her old friends and learns of her true destiny: to end the Red Queen's reign of terror.
My Review: Alice in Wonderland was an overall catastrophe. The story was nothing more than snippets of the original mixed with Tim Burton. Lately his films have been less than pleasing. With Johnny Depp being such a unique actor, I was expecting him to bring something to the table. I was extremely disappointed. I usually praise acting in many of the films I review but sadly, this was just $150 million thrown down the rabbit hole-literally. Johnny Depp in this role reminded me of his work in the Willy Wonka remake. He was awkward and pale. Anne Hathaway was pathetic at attempting an English accent. It is very unlike her to take a role that doesn't show her as the vulnerable girl that finds her way. The one thing this film had plenty of was graphics! The scenery and tone of the film fit to the characters stories. Much like Avatar, Alice in Wonderland was a hyped film that turned out to be a disappointment. It still won't stop it from grossing hundreds of millions. 1 and a half out of 4 stars.
My Review: Alice in Wonderland was an overall catastrophe. The story was nothing more than snippets of the original mixed with Tim Burton. Lately his films have been less than pleasing. With Johnny Depp being such a unique actor, I was expecting him to bring something to the table. I was extremely disappointed. I usually praise acting in many of the films I review but sadly, this was just $150 million thrown down the rabbit hole-literally. Johnny Depp in this role reminded me of his work in the Willy Wonka remake. He was awkward and pale. Anne Hathaway was pathetic at attempting an English accent. It is very unlike her to take a role that doesn't show her as the vulnerable girl that finds her way. The one thing this film had plenty of was graphics! The scenery and tone of the film fit to the characters stories. Much like Avatar, Alice in Wonderland was a hyped film that turned out to be a disappointment. It still won't stop it from grossing hundreds of millions. 1 and a half out of 4 stars.
Friday, February 26, 2010
Official Academy Award Predictions
ACTOR IN A LEADING ROLE: Jeff Bridges in "Crazy Heart"
ACTOR IN A SUPPORTING ROLE: Christoph Waltz in "Inglourious Basterds"
ACTRESS IN A LEADING ROLE: Sandra Bullock in "The Blind Side"
ACTRESS IN A SUPPORTING ROLE: Mo'Nique in "Precious: Based on the Novel 'Push' by Sapphire"
COSTUME DESIGN: "The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus"
DIRECTING: "The Hurt Locker"
FILM EDITING: "The Hurt Locker"
MAKEUP: "Star Trek"
SONG: "The Weary Kind (Theme from Crazy Heart)" from "Crazy Heart"
ACTOR IN A LEADING ROLE: Jeff Bridges in "Crazy Heart"
ACTOR IN A SUPPORTING ROLE: Christoph Waltz in "Inglourious Basterds"
ACTRESS IN A LEADING ROLE: Sandra Bullock in "The Blind Side"
ACTRESS IN A SUPPORTING ROLE: Mo'Nique in "Precious: Based on the Novel 'Push' by Sapphire"
COSTUME DESIGN: "The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus"
DIRECTING: "The Hurt Locker"
FILM EDITING: "The Hurt Locker"
MAKEUP: "Star Trek"
SONG: "The Weary Kind (Theme from Crazy Heart)" from "Crazy Heart"
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Crazy Heart
Bad Blake (Jeff Bridges) is a hard-living country music singer who's had way too many marriages, far too many years on the road and one too many drinks way too many times. And yet, Bad can’t help but reach for salvation with the help of Jean (Maggie Gyllenhaal), a journalist who discovers the real man behind the musician. As he struggles down the road of redemption, Bad learns the hard way just how tough life can be.
My Review: Jeff Bridges was fantastic of playing a man who is down on his luck and has nothing to live for. The authenticity of the role made it feel like it was a story being told of a loved one. It succeeds at doing so by showing the landscape of how the person lives (i.e. his broken home and failed relationships in the past). A big surprise was seeing Colin Farrell play the role of a successful artist which is ironic in a sense because Farrell typically takes roles that show him in a "bad-boy" position. The situations that the characters faced in the film are simplistic but they nail them down to a tee so that you feel that it is something that you can relate to at some point in your life. Oscar worthy performances sprinkled with a sensitive story and sobering story. 3 and a half out of 4 stars.
My Review: Jeff Bridges was fantastic of playing a man who is down on his luck and has nothing to live for. The authenticity of the role made it feel like it was a story being told of a loved one. It succeeds at doing so by showing the landscape of how the person lives (i.e. his broken home and failed relationships in the past). A big surprise was seeing Colin Farrell play the role of a successful artist which is ironic in a sense because Farrell typically takes roles that show him in a "bad-boy" position. The situations that the characters faced in the film are simplistic but they nail them down to a tee so that you feel that it is something that you can relate to at some point in your life. Oscar worthy performances sprinkled with a sensitive story and sobering story. 3 and a half out of 4 stars.
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Valentine's Day
An ensemble film about 10 people in Los Angeles whose lives intersect on Valentine's Day.
My Review: Despite seeing the movie yesterday, I thought it would only be appropriate to publish a review today for obvious reasons. The two main problems I had with the film were the script, which was poorly written for everyone except Julia Roberts- and the length of the film. Even while watching the movie I pinpointed certain cast members whom were not needed for the film. With a smaller cast, more time may have been devoted to writing each part with hardly any flaws. However, when faced with an all-star cast the script more times than not, is lacking that spark. The film was filled with two hours of bad jokes and cheesy situations which made it even more of a drag. The only parts I enjoyed were those with Julia Roberts and Bradley Cooper. Their chemistry made the film what it attempted to turn out to be. Ashton Kutcher also did a good job. He is a talented actor that is usually handed an awful script. For his next film, Garry Marshall should try cutting down the size of the cast and focus on a few actors' scripts. 1 and a half out of 4 stars.
My Review: Despite seeing the movie yesterday, I thought it would only be appropriate to publish a review today for obvious reasons. The two main problems I had with the film were the script, which was poorly written for everyone except Julia Roberts- and the length of the film. Even while watching the movie I pinpointed certain cast members whom were not needed for the film. With a smaller cast, more time may have been devoted to writing each part with hardly any flaws. However, when faced with an all-star cast the script more times than not, is lacking that spark. The film was filled with two hours of bad jokes and cheesy situations which made it even more of a drag. The only parts I enjoyed were those with Julia Roberts and Bradley Cooper. Their chemistry made the film what it attempted to turn out to be. Ashton Kutcher also did a good job. He is a talented actor that is usually handed an awful script. For his next film, Garry Marshall should try cutting down the size of the cast and focus on a few actors' scripts. 1 and a half out of 4 stars.
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Avatar was not worth seeing 2, 3, 4, etc. times and certainly not best movie of the decade... in my opinion, that is. I'm going to assume that the people who think it deserves the Oscar for Best Picture were to caught up in the special effects and not paying enough attention to the weak story and not to mention the cheesy conclusion. What a predictable Hollywood ending too. On a lighter note, it doesn't take away from the energized pace and action and explosions. That was all great! It will probably take all the technical categories, which it deserves. After all that has been said, I am going to completely contradict my whole review and say that Avatar excels at providing visual stimuli and grabs you for the majority of the 2.5 hours. Time flies when you are watching a James Cameron flick! 3 out of 4 stars. "AN EDUCATION"
From the first line spoken An Education was sold to me by Carey Mulligan's charm and perky personality. The acting in the film was excellent and the chemistry between the characters was flawless. It felt like I was watching a film where old friends meet up with a prior history and are happy to see each other and strike up an interesting conversation that is very intriguing. The dialogue between the characters was just that. In addition, the story was very original and always felt new. There were no scenes that dragged along and had me looking at the time. The screenplay was witty, wise and observant. Very seldom do I come across a film of this type where I can connect with the characters. Here, however, I felt like anything that happens to the stars in the film could happen to me at any given moment. Mulligan is deserving of Best Actress without a doubt and I would consider this film to be one of the best in 2009. 3 and a half out of 4 stars.
The film should have been titled "How to Defuse a Bomb in Less Than Two Minutes". The movie failed to capture my attention and ultimately left me questioning the overall purpose of story and why it is getting so much recognition. The acting was real and the wisdom that the film gives sums up the reasons for me liking it. I was expecting an action film with plenty of suspense and violence. The majority of the film takes place in an Iraqi desert and shows the relationships the soldiers form and how efficiently they perform their duty. If I had watched this movie prior to the award recognition, maybe I would be able to give it a better rating. I will pretend that I saw this in June with the rating I give. 3 out of 4 stars.
Inglourious Basterds begins in German-occupied France, where Shosanna witnesses the execution of her family at the hand of Nazi Colonel Hans Landa. Shosanna narrowly escapes and flees to Paris, where she starts a new life as the owner and operator of a cinema. Elsewhere in Europe, Lieutenant Aldo Raine (Brad Pitt) organizes a group of Jewish soldiers to engage in targeted acts of revenge. Known to their enemy as “The Basterds,” Raine’s squad joins German actress and undercover agent Bridget Von Hammersmark (Diane Kruger) on a mission to take down the leaders of The Third Reich. The film transitions so smoothly through the chapters that it is organized into. The story was utter brilliance with excellent direction and cinematography. The acting of Pitt was pure and authentic (and hilarious at times). There is little to say about "Basterds" that hasn't already been stated above. Serious Oscar consideration in screenplay, and acting for Brad Pitt, Christoph Waltz, and Mélanie Laurent. 4 out of 4 stars.
Precious was one of the most touching films I have ever seen. From the start, it captures your attention and immediately hones in on the story with no fillers and fluff in between to waste screen time. The film felt raw, sobering, and pure. It showed the struggles many face. Precious succeeded at telling a heartbreaking story and did the same with giving you hope for what has yet to come. The only problem I see with the film is the abrupt ending. It makes everything seem too easy and doesn't show what she had to do in order to get her life together. Mo'Nique's acting was phenomenal and authentic. She portrayed a troubled mother taking her aggression out on her child so well and with such raw emotion. Sidibe does a fantastic job in her first role and gives an Oscar worthy performance. A must-see film that will touch you in places you have never been touched before. 3 and a half out of 4 stars.
This film was utter brilliance. It's script and stellar performances of Stuhlbarg and Kind make the film. The Coen brother's direction is nothing short of flawless and it intrigues the audience. Though it is very, and I mean very dark, it isn't noticeable and the film is over before you know it. I wanted the story to continue because where it left off didn't satisfy my craving! What fascinated me was the symbolism the storyline held. It is very thought provoking and frustrating until you see the whole movie for what it's worth. I will be shocked if this film doesn't get nominated for the Oscars in the screenplay, acting, or best picture catagory. 4 out of 4 stars.
Carl Fredricksen, a quiet young boy, meets the tomboy Ellie in her clubhouse, discovering together they share the same interest in exploration as their hero, famed explorer Charles Muntz. Ellie expresses her desire to move her clubhouse to Paradise Falls in South America, a promise she makes Carl keep. Carl and Ellie wed and grow old together in the old house where they first met. Unable to have children, they also try to save up for the trip to Paradise Falls but other financial obligations arise. As she grows old and dies of old age, Carl is left in their home by himself. Until one day, a boy scout comes knocking, trying to assist Carl with anything around his house because he needs one last badge to become a "senior scout." Little does anyone know, Carl's house lifts off of the ground and into the sky above, where they embark on many challenges that challenge their loyalty and dependency on one another. My experience from the title to the credits was an enjoyable one. The 3-D animation was the icing on the cake. The images and story almost felt real. My eyes were stuck to the screen from start to finish. This fantastic Pixar film will leave you with a warm feeling in your heart because the movie shows just how valuable friendship really is. Another win for Pixar! 4 out of 4 stars.
Up in the Air excels at showing reality. While it's funny, the film also explores areas that are generally not touched upon. The sobering story succeeds at showing that not all films have a "happily-ever-after" fairy-tale ending. You can relate to Clooney as he plays a man who shows no personality and no regard for living a more decent life. This film is very different from anything Reitman has ever done. It shows that he can tell a story of a middle-aged man and the problems facing him. It was by no means a corky comedy, but rather a tragedy with a balance of humor and a sense of comfort in knowing that you aren't always alone. 3 out of 4 stars.
Keep checking back for my official predictions for Oscar winners!
An Education
Despite her conservative upbringing, Jenny (Carey Mulligan) is a teen with a bright future. She's smart, pretty, and has aspirations of attending Oxford University. When David, charming but much older suitor, drives into her life in a shiny automobile, Jenny gets a taste of life that changes her outlook on adult-hood.
My Review: From the first line spoken An Education was sold to me by Carey Mulligan's charm and perky personality. The acting in the film was excellent and the chemistry between the characters was flawless. It felt like I was watching a film where old friends meet up with a prior history and are happy to see each other and strike up an interesting conversation that is very intriguing. The dialogue between the characters was just that. In addition, the story was very original and always felt new. There were no scenes that dragged along and had me looking at the time. The screenplay was witty, wise and observant. Very seldom do I come across a film of this type where I can connect with the characters. Here, however, I felt like anything that happens to the stars in the film could happen to me at any given moment. Mulligan is deserving of Best Actress without a doubt and I would consider this film to be one of the best in 2009. 3 and a half out of 4 stars.
My Review: From the first line spoken An Education was sold to me by Carey Mulligan's charm and perky personality. The acting in the film was excellent and the chemistry between the characters was flawless. It felt like I was watching a film where old friends meet up with a prior history and are happy to see each other and strike up an interesting conversation that is very intriguing. The dialogue between the characters was just that. In addition, the story was very original and always felt new. There were no scenes that dragged along and had me looking at the time. The screenplay was witty, wise and observant. Very seldom do I come across a film of this type where I can connect with the characters. Here, however, I felt like anything that happens to the stars in the film could happen to me at any given moment. Mulligan is deserving of Best Actress without a doubt and I would consider this film to be one of the best in 2009. 3 and a half out of 4 stars.
Thursday, February 4, 2010
The Hurt Locker
The Hurt Locker is a portrait of the courage under fire of the military's unrecognized heroes: the technicians of a bomb squad who volunteer to challenge the odds and save lives doing one of the world's most dangerous jobs. Three members of the Army's elite Explosive Ordnance Disposal squad battle insurgents and one another as they search for and disarm a wave of roadside bombs on the streets of Baghdad—in order to try and make the city a safer place for Iraqis and Americans alike.
My Review: The film should have been titled "How to Defuse a Bomb in Less Than Two Minutes". The movie failed to capture my attention and ultimately left me questioning the overall purpose of story and why it is getting so much recognition. The acting was real and the wisdom that the film gives sums up the reasons for me liking it. I was expecting an action film with plenty of suspense and violence. The majority of the film takes place in an Iraqi desert and shows the relationships the soldiers form and how efficiently they perform their duty. If I had watched this movie prior to the award recognition, maybe I would be able to give it a better rating. I will pretend that I saw this in June with the rating I give. 3 out of 4 stars.
My Review: The film should have been titled "How to Defuse a Bomb in Less Than Two Minutes". The movie failed to capture my attention and ultimately left me questioning the overall purpose of story and why it is getting so much recognition. The acting was real and the wisdom that the film gives sums up the reasons for me liking it. I was expecting an action film with plenty of suspense and violence. The majority of the film takes place in an Iraqi desert and shows the relationships the soldiers form and how efficiently they perform their duty. If I had watched this movie prior to the award recognition, maybe I would be able to give it a better rating. I will pretend that I saw this in June with the rating I give. 3 out of 4 stars.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Precious: Based on the Novel 'Push' by Sapphire
Pregnant by her own father for the second time, 16-year-old Claireece ''Precious'' Jones (Gabourey ''Gabby'' Sidibe) can neither read nor write and suffers constant abuse at the hands of her vicious mother (Mo'Nique ). Precious sees a chance to turn her life around when she is offered the opportunity to transfer to an alternative school. Under the patient guidance of her new teacher, Ms. Rain (Paula Patton), Precious begins the journey from oppression to self-determination.
My Review: Precious was one of the most touching films I have ever seen. From the start, it captures your attention and immediately hones in on the story with no fillers and fluff in between to waste screen time. The film felt raw, sobering, and pure. It showed the struggles many face. Precious succeeded at telling a heartbreaking story and did the same with giving you hope for what has yet to come. The only problem I see with the film is the abrupt ending. It makes everything seem too easy and doesn't show what she had to do in order to get her life together. Mo'Nique's acting was phenomenal and authentic. She portrayed a troubled mother taking her aggression out on her child so well and with such raw emotion. Sidibe does a fantastic job in her first role and gives an Oscar worthy performance. A must-see film that will touch you in places you have never been touched before. 3 and a half out of 4 stars.
My Review: Precious was one of the most touching films I have ever seen. From the start, it captures your attention and immediately hones in on the story with no fillers and fluff in between to waste screen time. The film felt raw, sobering, and pure. It showed the struggles many face. Precious succeeded at telling a heartbreaking story and did the same with giving you hope for what has yet to come. The only problem I see with the film is the abrupt ending. It makes everything seem too easy and doesn't show what she had to do in order to get her life together. Mo'Nique's acting was phenomenal and authentic. She portrayed a troubled mother taking her aggression out on her child so well and with such raw emotion. Sidibe does a fantastic job in her first role and gives an Oscar worthy performance. A must-see film that will touch you in places you have never been touched before. 3 and a half out of 4 stars.
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
This is a temporary post. This upcoming weekend, I will go see "An Education" and might see "The Blind Side". I will also try my best to watch "The Hurt Locker" on DVD soon.
Best Picture Nominees I have seen thus far are bolded in red.
***EDIT*** 2/3/10
I have watched "Precious" and now have a review up of the film.
***EDIT*** 2/4/10
I have viewed "The Hurt Locker" and have posted a review. ALSO: Due to the anticipated winter storm this weekend, I might not be able to see "An Education" on Saturday as originally planned.
***EDIT*** 2/7/10
I saw "An Education" today after all. The weather was too bad for me to go yesterday. A review is now up and ready for viewing. Still haven't seen "The Blind Side". I will watch it when I have time.
The Blind Side
District 9
An Education
The Hurt Locker
Inglourious Basterds
Precious: Based on the Novel 'Push' by Sapphire
A Serious Man
Up In The Air
This is a temporary post. This upcoming weekend, I will go see "An Education" and might see "The Blind Side". I will also try my best to watch "The Hurt Locker" on DVD soon.
Best Picture Nominees I have seen thus far are bolded in red.
***EDIT*** 2/3/10
I have watched "Precious" and now have a review up of the film.
***EDIT*** 2/4/10
I have viewed "The Hurt Locker" and have posted a review. ALSO: Due to the anticipated winter storm this weekend, I might not be able to see "An Education" on Saturday as originally planned.
***EDIT*** 2/7/10
I saw "An Education" today after all. The weather was too bad for me to go yesterday. A review is now up and ready for viewing. Still haven't seen "The Blind Side". I will watch it when I have time.
The Blind Side
District 9
An Education
The Hurt Locker
Inglourious Basterds
Precious: Based on the Novel 'Push' by Sapphire
A Serious Man
Up In The Air
Saturday, January 30, 2010
When In Rome
An ambitious young New Yorker (Kristen Bell), disillusioned with romance, takes a whirlwind trip to Rome where she defiantly plucks magic coins from a fountain of love, inexplicably igniting the passion of those who threw them in: a sausage magnate (Danny DeVito), a street magician (Jon Heder), an adoring painter and a self-admiring model. But when a charming reporter (Josh Duhamel) pursues her with equal zest, she finds out if the love is real.
My Review: When In Rome is one of those feel-good romcoms that charms you, yet leaves you with an unpleasant taste in your mouth. From the start of the movie, I felt that the dialogue seemed forced and the script and overall story was a tad immature. It felt like one of those projects from the third grade where the student realizes that the project is due on the next day and put odds and ends together to create something sub-par. This is what the movie felt like. If it wasn't for the charm of the two stars, the entire film would be impossible. It definitely was not a great way to kick off 2010 in film, but in a way, it was. The awkwardness of the story was able to be overlooked when the stars charmed their way through the hour and a half. 1 and a half out of 4 stars.
My Review: When In Rome is one of those feel-good romcoms that charms you, yet leaves you with an unpleasant taste in your mouth. From the start of the movie, I felt that the dialogue seemed forced and the script and overall story was a tad immature. It felt like one of those projects from the third grade where the student realizes that the project is due on the next day and put odds and ends together to create something sub-par. This is what the movie felt like. If it wasn't for the charm of the two stars, the entire film would be impossible. It definitely was not a great way to kick off 2010 in film, but in a way, it was. The awkwardness of the story was able to be overlooked when the stars charmed their way through the hour and a half. 1 and a half out of 4 stars.
Monday, January 4, 2010
Avatar 3D
In Avatar, a reluctant hero embarks on an epic adventure, ultimately fighting to save the alien world he has learned to call home. James Cameron, the Oscar-winning director of “Titanic,” first conceived the film 15 years ago, when the means to realize his vision did not exist yet. Now, after four years of production, Avatar, a live action film with a new generation of special effects, delivers a fully immersive cinematic experience of a new kind, where the revolutionary technology invented to make the film disappears into the emotion of the characters and the sweep of the story.
My Review: Avatar was not worth seeing 2, 3, 4, etc. times and certainly not best movie of the decade... in my opinion, that is. I'm going to assume that the people who think it deserves the Oscar for Best Picture were to caught up in the special effects and not paying enough attention to the weak story and not to mention the cheesy conclusion. What a predictable Hollywood ending too. On a lighter note, it doesn't take away from the energized pace and action and explosions. That was all great! It will probably take all the technical categories, which it deserves. After all that has been said, I am going to completely contradict my whole review and say that Avatar excels at providing visual stimuli and grabs you for the majority of the 2.5 hours. Time flies when you are watching a James Cameron flick! 3 out of 4 stars.
My Review: Avatar was not worth seeing 2, 3, 4, etc. times and certainly not best movie of the decade... in my opinion, that is. I'm going to assume that the people who think it deserves the Oscar for Best Picture were to caught up in the special effects and not paying enough attention to the weak story and not to mention the cheesy conclusion. What a predictable Hollywood ending too. On a lighter note, it doesn't take away from the energized pace and action and explosions. That was all great! It will probably take all the technical categories, which it deserves. After all that has been said, I am going to completely contradict my whole review and say that Avatar excels at providing visual stimuli and grabs you for the majority of the 2.5 hours. Time flies when you are watching a James Cameron flick! 3 out of 4 stars.
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Golden Globe PREDICTIONS Pt. 2
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Golden Globe PREDICTIONS Pt. 1
BEST DIRECTOR- Jason Reitman (Up In The Air)
BEST FOREIGN FILM- Broken Embraces (Spain)
BEST FOREIGN FILM- Broken Embraces (Spain)
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