Saturday, May 9, 2009

Most Anticipated Movie of 2009!

Whatever Works Starring Larry David and Evan Rachel Wood. The cherry on top is that Woody Allen is writing and directing it. What a perfect combination? LD and WA have always been some of my favorite stars in the entertainment industry. When I found out they were making a movie together, I looked every single day on Google to see if there are any new updates. First, there was just information about the film. Then one day, a website with nothing on it came up and long after that the website was redeveloped and a trailer was released! Whatever Works looks hysterical and I set high expectations for it considering two legends are involved in the project. I am a HUGE Curb Your Enthusiasm fan and enjoy most of Allen's works. I give the trailer an "A+" solely based on the fact that I am dying to see it! Release date: June 19, 2009 in NY and LA.

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